• Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)
  • pengarah_aei@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4645



The Launch of the Indo-Pacific Research and Outreach Project

Date: 18 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya

It is our great privilege and honour to invite you to the launch event of the Indo-Pacific project being undertaken by the Centre for ASEAN Regionalism Universiti Malaya, Asia-Europe Institute. Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the project aims to explore emerging facets of the Indo-Pacific region, the EU and ASEAN’s role in shaping the region, and the role Malaysia could play in shaping the Indo-Pacific dynamics.

The launch event will be held in the auditorium of the Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya on May 18 2023. The Asia-Europe Institute, Centre for ASEAN Regionalism Universiti Malaya (CARUM), host this launch event with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia, and the Embassy of Sweden in Kuala Lumpur.

Tentative Programme

2:30 pm : Arrival of Guests & Registration
3:00 pm : Welcoming Remarks by Assoc. Prof. Dr Roy Anthony Rogers, Deputy Executive Director (Research & Internationalisation), Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)
3:10 pm : Opening Remarks by H.E. Jacques Werner, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Malaysia
3:20 pm : Debriefing on the EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Meeting by H.E. Dr. Joachim Bergström, Ambassador of Sweden to Malaysia
3:30 pm :

Panel Discussion on Indo-Pacific Dynamics: Role of EU and ASEAN


  1. H.E. Michalis Rokas, EU Ambassador to Malaysia
  2. Professor Johan Saravanamuttu, Adjunct Professor, Asia-Europe Institute
  3. H.E. Dr. Joachim Bergström, Ambassador of Sweden to Malaysia
Moderator: Dr Rahul Mishra, Director of CARUM, AEI
4:30 pm : Formal Launch of the Project
4:45 pm : Vote of Thanks, CARUM, AEI
5:00 pm : End of the session & High Tea



Last Update: 16/05/2023