• Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)
  • pengarah_aei@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4645

This PhD programme is purely based on individual supervised research. At the end of the candidate's study, a thesis must be submitted and upon successful defense of the paper, the candidate will be granted PhD status. 

The candidate is greatly encouraged to carry out research in the field of Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics & Businesses that is multidisciplinary and comparative in nature encompassing any country or region within Asia and Europe.

Areas of research include, among others:

  • Globalisation, Regional Integration and Development;
  • Sustainability, Governance and Social Change;
  • Multiculturalism and Community Development;
  • Social Development and Ethnicity;
  • Business Network, Knowledge Management and Competitiveness;
  • Gender and Development; and
  • ASEAN Studies and ASEAN-EU Relations.
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The goal of the AEI PhD Programme is to produce scholars who can lead the development and dissemination of knowledge as a leader in research and teaching as well as services for the society. Accordingly the Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) are as follows:

  • PEO1 : Advancing innovation in research and work practices.
  • PEO2 : Leading research as researcher and / or practitioners with national and / or international expertise.
  • PEO3 : Disseminate research results and/or provide expert advice in an ethical and professional conduct.

Mode: Full time
Minimum: 4 semesters
Maximum: 12 semesters

Applicants for doctoral degree programmes by research are required to submit a research proposal or research intent on the brief statement of the research programme which they propose to carry out. The research proposal/research intent should comprise the following elements:

  • Field of Research
  • Topic of Research
  • Statement of Problem (with supportive literature)
  • Research Objective
  • Research Methodology
  • Significant of the Research
  • References (if applicable)

The research proposal should contain maximum of 1,000 words. All proposals will go through plagiarism check by AEI (using the Turnitin service), and must pass the minimum requirement of 15% and below of similarity index.

Please note that all decisions regarding the application is final, and the process of selection is vetted by the AEI selection committee.

All the requirements stated in this page are also subjected to any amendments approved from time to time.

All the CGPA mentioned above is using the 4.0 scale.

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Publication Requirement

Show proof of acceptance for publication as per the following (according to the criteria set in the publication guidelines), prior to graduation:

  1. at least one (1) article in journals indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS); or
  2. at least one (1) book published by publishers listed in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS) Master Book List or by Universiti Malaya Press or Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka or any publishers recognized by the AEI; or
  3. at least two (2) publications in Category A or B refereed journals, or book chapters as follows:
    • Articles in Category A journals: Journals indexed in the Scopus citation database;
    • Articles in Category B journals: Journals published by University or scholarly publishers or listed in MyJurnal (Malaysian Journal Management System). (A list of journals in category B recognized by the Faculty)
    • Book chapters in different books: Book chapters published by publishers listed in the Web of Science (WoS) Master Book List, or by University of Malaya Press or Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka or any publishers recognized by the AEI. Two (2) book chapters of different books are equivalent to one (1) publication.

For any enquiries regarding Doctoral Programme by Research at the AEI, please contact Mr. Zahadin at zahadin@um.edu.my

Last Update: 13/07/2024