• Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)
  • pengarah_aei@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4645

Special Tea Break Session with
Dr. Nobuko Kayashima & Prof. Dr. Miki Sugimura

Topic: The Impact of Faculty Study Abroad Experiences on University Development in Southeast Asian Countries ― A Cross-Country Comparison Based on Large-Scale Questionnaire and Interview Surveys
Date: 11 May 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 3pm MYT
Venue (Hybrid): AEI Resource Centre, Asia-Europe Institute, Universiti Malaya
Online Platform: MS Teams
Moderator: Dr. Nurliana Kamaruddin

Join link: https://bit.ly/aeispecialteabreak


TheJICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development conducted theEmpirical Research Project on the Impacts of Study Abroad in DevelopingCountries to investigate the changes in university faculty members' study abroad experiences and the impacts of study abroad on their subsequent academic activities and the development of their universities. The research also aimed to identify the factors that influence the realization of these impacts. To achieve these objectives, extensive questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten leading universities in four Southeast Asian countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia. From Malaysia, UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) are participating in this research project. In the Special Tea Break Session at the University ofMalaya, the cross-country comparison will be presented with the rich data generated from the large survey samples. Faculty study abroad experiences vary widely across countries. While faculty study abroad has a positive impact in all four countries, the nature and extent of the benefits they bring to their home institutions also differ, depending on a variety of factors, including the stage of higher education development and the degree of internationalization of universities.

Speakers' Profiles

Nobuko KAYASHIMANobuko KAYASHIMA is a Senior Research Advisor at the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development. Since graduating from Kyoto University in 1982, she has been associated with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the international aid agency of the Japanese government, where she has played a critical role in planning and executing JICA's education cooperation programs. Throughout her tenure at JICA, she has held several key positions, including Senior Vice President, Vice President, Director/Deputy Director of JICA Ogata Research Institute, and Director General of the Human Development Department. She has also served as a committee/board member for several government and civil society organizations in the field of education, including as a member of the Japanese National Commission for UNESCO and a board member of the Japan Society of International Development. While assuming managerial positions in JICA, she has been actively involved in academic research activities. She earned her Ph.D. from Nagoya University for her research on the internationalization of Japanese universities, and she has made substantial contributions to various publications, including "Japan’s International Cooperation in Education" (co-editor, Springer, 2022) and "Internationalization of Higher Education and ODA Participation of Japanese Universities" (the University of Tokyo Press, 2019). Her current research interests include higher education development, education cooperation, and university participation in ODA.

Miki SugimuraMiki SUGIMURA is a professor of Comparative and International Education, Faculty of Human Sciences, and Vice President for Global Academic Affairs from April 2014-March 2021 at Sophia University in Japan. M.Ed. and PhD (University of Tokyo).Associate Fellow of Asia-Europe Institute of University of Malaya. President of Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES), and a board member of World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). She is also a visiting professor of the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and a program officer of Research Center for Science Systems of Japan Society for the Promotion Science (JSPS). She was a member of Japanese National Committee for UNESCO and a member of International Expert Group for the revision of 1974 Recommendation by UNESCO. Her research topics are international/transnational higher education, multicultural education and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Last Update: 10/05/2023