• Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)
  • pengarah_aei@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 4645



Recording Date: 10th June 2020 (Wednesday) • 3.00pm Malaysian time (UTC+08) • via Microsoft Teams

Perspectives on COVID-19: The ‘New Normal’The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the global population – not only from a health perspective, but politically, economically, and socially as well. The fallout means that society today will see fundamental adjustments in various aspects as we deal with “the new normal”. This webinar aims to contribute to efforts in broadening our understanding of what this entails particularly from the perspectives of ASEAN and the EU. Our invited speakers will cover issues of the new economic reality as well as the impact of the pandemic on governance and the world order.



Anis H. Bajrektarevic is chairperson and professor in international law and global political studies, Vienna, Austria, and the visiting professor of the Geneva-based university (Switzerland). He has authored seven books (for American and European publishers) and numerous articles on, mainly, geopolitics energy and technology; besides holding over 5,000 hours of teaching (on four continents) on subjects such as International Public Law, Law of Intl. Organizations and EU, Sustainable Development and Political Systems (theory of state and laws). Professor is editor of the NY-based GHIR (Geopolitics, History and Intl. Relations) journal of the Addleton Academic Publishers, and editorial board member of several similar specialized magazines on three continents.
Dato' Dr. Rajah Rasiah is Distinguished Professor of Economics at the Asia Europe Institute, University of Malaya. He obtained his doctorate in Economics from Cambridge University in 1992, and was a Rajawali fellow at Harvard University in 2014. He was the first holder of the Khazanah Nasional Chair of Regulatory Studies, and served as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Malaya in 2009-2010 and 2013-2014. He was a member of the GLOBELICS scientific board over the period 2012-2017, Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT since 2004, Senior Research Associate at the Technology Management and Development Centre at Oxford University, Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Rising Powers, Cambridge University, an advisory member of the Industrial Development Research Centre, Zhejiang University over the period 2010-2015, Member of the Advisory Board of University of Cambodia over the period 2005-2015, Visiting Professor at Lahore School of Economics (2019), Visiting Professor at UNIMAS (since 2018).
Prof. Dr. Leef H. Dierks was appointed Professor for Finance and International Capital Markets at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences in winter 2013/14. Guest professorships led him to universities in Almaty (Kazakhstan), Amman (Jordan), Chiang Mai (Thailand) and Hangzhou (China), amongst others. In between 2010 and 2013, Dr. Dierks served as Global Head of Covered Bond Strategy at US-investment bank Morgan Stanley in London. Previously, he worked as a Vice President analysing the European fixed income markets at Barclays Capital in Frankfurt. Dr. Dierks has been awarded the Faculty of Economics’ “Lecturer of the Year Award” in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 and is a liaison professor of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (SddV). Further, Dr. Dierks is Deputy Chairman of EFFAS’ Capital Markets Commission (CMC).
Dr Rahul Mishra specialises on politico-security affairs of the Asia Pacific region. He has more than 150 national and international publications to his credit, and more than 70 TV and radio appearances to discuss on Asia-Pacific affairs. His edited books include: BCIM-Economic Corridor: The Road Ahead (Pentagon Press), The Peacock and the Garuda: An Overview of India-Indonesia Relations (Knowledge World), and Integrating Northeast in India’s Act East Policy (Vij Books). Some of his research areas of interest include the regional politico-security and economic architecture of the East and Southeast Asian region, China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative, Maritime Silk Road as well as the role major powers in Asia Pacific Asia especially in the context of rise of China, and Indo-Pacific.


Dr. Nurliana Kamaruddin specializes in international security and development cooperation. Her PhD research focused on the state-led rural development programs of Malaysia and South Korea. Nurliana was a recipient of the Korea Foundation ASEAN Fellowship (2013-2015), the POSCO TJ Park Foundation Asia Fellowship (2009-2011) and the Ewha Global Partnership Program (2006-2009). Prior to her appointment as Senior Lecturer at the Asia-Europe Institute (AEI), Nurliana was a Research Assistant at AEI (2011-2013) and before that, she was a lecturer at the English Language Centre, Stamford College, Selangor (2009). She also has a background in media and she worked as an editorial executive at Cinema Online before beginning her academic career. She was also an active member of the international competitive debating scene coaching and judging at various workshops, camps and tournaments throughout Asia.

Presentation file by Professor Dr Leef Dierks, Technical University Lübeck, Germany - PDF 282KB

©2017-2021 Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya. All rights reserved.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Last Update: 22/11/2021